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This series is presented by Rachel Werner of RBW Strategy, LLC.
Dates are Tuesdays, October 20, 27 and November 10 from 9:30-11:00AM.

The three online sessions will focus on more than the proposal writing, they will allow you to better understand the preparation necessary to become “grant ready”. Objectives of the first two sessions include review of:

  • 2020 events and the impact on philanthropy
  • Components of the grants cycle
  • Organizational infrastructure needs to manage grants
  • Prospect research and grants calendar
  • Cultivation and funder engagement
  • Developing the case statement

The final session will include a review of each individual participants’ case statement and ways to engage funders.

Speaker Bio

Rachel Werner, MPA, GPC, PMP
RBW Strategy, LLC

Rachel Werner holds a Grant Professional Certification (GPC), Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification and Grants Management Certificate in Federal Grants. As a credentialed grant writer and manager, she can effectively execute proposal preparation and grant management projects. She has served as a peer reviewer for the federal government as well as Montgomery County Council. She provides customized grant trainings across the DC metropolitan area and is a frequent speaker at the Nonprofit Village, Catalogue for Philanthropy, Center for Nonprofit Advancement and National Grants Management Association.

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