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*Due to the coronavirus outbreak, this class is now being held as a webinar. Please sign up as normal and a link will be sent out prior to the class.

Faculty: Barbra Kavanaugh, Brighter Strategies

Lack of succession planning can threaten organizations and missions during any sudden or unexpected transition in a key leadership role. Even planned transitions, guided by a thoughtful succession plan, can leverage opportunities that can be be a result of change. Yet, Boardsource has estimated that less than 30% of all non-profits have a succession plan.

Nonprofits that are serious about their own sustainability will also be serious about planning for smooth and thoughtful transitions of leadership – as well as making sure their nonprofit is prepared for unexpected departures. A succession plan can guide a nonprofit’s Board, and staff, through a deliberative and thoughtful transition, both unexpected and planned. A succession plan is a strategic document to help a nonprofit weather the inevitable challenges of leadership transition, as well as successfully leverage new opportunities.

Center for Nonprofit Advancement’s workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to

• Frame succession planning as essential to your organization’s long-term sustainability
• Outline the essential components of an effective succession plan
• Provide specific tools and resources to support the development of a succession plan

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