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Research Day is Back!

Do you need a complimentary one-hour coaching session on a fundraising or marketing challenge? You can register for a session with one of our coaches who are experts in their fields and have supported dozens of nonprofits as they prepare marketing or fundraising strategies.

Register below. Open to all.

One-On-One Coaching

Each coach is offering sessions during the day on December 3rd. One coaching session can be selected. Coaches include:

TOPIC: Fundraising and Proposal Writing
Whitney M. Brimfield

Founder and CEO
Spark Point Fundraising

TOPIC: Capital Campaigns and Fundraising Strategy
Debra Liverpool, CFRE

Director of Major Gifts & Capital Campaign
YMCA of Metropolitan Washington
Nonprofit Consultant

TOPIC: LinkedIn Marketing and Outreach
Elisse Wright Barnes, JD PhD
LinkedIn Instructor
Helping organizations raise their profile on LinkedIn

TOPIC: Business Operations, Performance and Culture, and Growth
Dawn Shuler
Founder and CEO
The Shuler Group
Business operation, performance and growth

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